Thursday, January 29, 2009

two in one day

what a treat! I just wanted to also say a thing or two about what's been going on the last few days but it didn't really fit with the conference.

I have been out to the bean fields to gather beans a couple times now. And once we get back we have to de-cascada them. And then we cook them and eat them! So, I've had hours and hours of sitting on the front porch unshelling beans. It's a time consuming job getting new beans.

But in other bean news, the weather has not been very good. It has actually rained quite a bit - which is very bad for the one time of the year that it is very important for it to be hot and dry. The process of gathering the beans to sell or to store for the year depend on it to be dry. I've never seen it, but they've described the process to me: they pick the entire plant and spread it out to dry. Then they beat it to remove the cascadas - the pods. Then they scoop it up and let the wind blow away the pods while the beans fall back down. But for any of it to work, the beans need to be completely dry.

What else? Not really very much.. I was sick again last week. I usually get one cold a year.. but that was three in 2008 and already another in 2009... what's going on? I feel like I'm the healthiest I've ever been (for sure I'm the strongest) - why do I keep getting sick? unexplicable. (unless you count a long tiring trip to Nicaragua and some cold weather on a San Jose mountaintop without adequate covering... ). But, no worries, I'm fine again.

Speaking of worries, two nights in a row there have been terciopelos found very close to the house. And, I and Linda will be alone at the house for the next four days... but Don Jesus and Doña Delsa will be there at night at snake time.. so, again, no worries! (note to self, new batteries for my flashlight).

1 comment:

Mom said...

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT, get bitten by a poisonous snake if you can help it!