Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Birthday Day

Hey everyone! Thanks to all for the birthday wishes - it's always so nice to remember friends and family on special days. I just found out that my mother and two sisters will come to visit me in March - Yay!! What a good present. Oh, the other present I gave myself was an amazing farmer's tan.. you guys wouldn't believe it. And I've always one - usually from soccer - but I assure you, this one takes the cake. We went to the beach with some friends on Wednesday, but it's a local beach and not one for tourists so actual swimsuits are not acceptable.. so we go in with our scrub pants and t-shirts.

By the way, Adrian, from my last post, seems like he will, with time, be fine. He has started walking again and so hopefully there will not even be a lasting limp.

Linda, sitting next to me, is quite excited with a certain possibility for her future and would like to share with everyone that she could be going back, instead of to Iceland, to Denmark. Oh, the possibilities.

Speaking of possibilities, the date I set for when I would start thinking of my future is coming up in about a week and a half. Oh, scary. If anyone has any suggestions let me know. I think at the moment that I want to find a job before I go back to get a masters... but that's thinking about it all too much. I still have a week and a half to simply enjoy the present.. so that's what I'm going to do! Love to all!

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