I'm back in the land of the living. For the past few weeks I've been reading a fantasy series but this morning I finished the last of the books I have (there is one more out, but I don't have access to it at the moment, plus she is writing another one so I may as well stop here rather than go to the trouble of obtaining the next book, reading it, and yet still be left hanging). It's been glorious and frustrating at the same time (as always) - I love having another world to immerse myself in.. especially fiction because I know it's not real and completely frivolous (somehow the fact that I know it's frivolous makes it less so... my thought process is something like "this is my unproductive act for the day" so, knowing that, the rest of the day is spent attempting to be useful). Now when I read it will almost always be for academics - which is, of course, just as stimulating and actually more interesting - but it's so much harder. When reading fiction I just skip the parts I don't want to read... when the description of the landscape goes on to long I skip to the dialogue... if a battle goes on for pages I skip to the end and just find out who won. When I'm reading about Plato's vision of a functioning political society (of beauty) I cannot skip a word or else I'm floundering in a sea of incomprehensible terminology. Philosophy just takes so much focus! It's easy enough paragraph by paragraph but pages upon pages continuous dense material is certainly challenging Oh well, it's what's good for me - and why I came to college. That's what learning is right? and there's hardly a greater blessing than that opportunity. But just like the above, knowing that this (this meaning learning/scholarship/erudition - gaining not only knowledge but the ability to think... and the second part is the hard part) is important makes it hard. Eh, I'm just complaining - having books to retreat into is beatific (new word learned at least, so that's good) while they last but then the end inevitably comes and you're left wanting it to continue. Luckily (well, mostly luckily) I know it can and will continue in the future, so I know it's not the end. Plus, since I've been constantly reading for a month I'm a bit tired of it (almost 6,000 pages would get anyone right?). And I actually like (well, I think I like) all of my classes and will enjoy, or at least appreciate spending the time studying. Plus all friends are back in place and I need to spend time with them all.
Wow talk about your rambling. I debate actually posting this.. but why not? It's only other people's opinions of me and my craziness that I'm putting on the line right? Let's see if I can find a picture that equals the above strange bundle of words.

1 comment:
The picture looks like someone or something facing into the solar wind.
I, too, wish D. G. would write faster. She has a few books about Lord John Grey which are good as well.
Now if only I could get you to read "The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" or "In Search of the Miraculous" by P. D. O. :)
Anyway the countdown begins,
Love as always,
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