Today was a good day. I woke up this morning, finished my homework before class. Stepped outside to go to class - and found that the sidewalks were frozen! Dangerous, but funny as we slid to class on the ice. Contributed in class (always a triumph for quiet little me). Ate lunch with friends discussing class and a bit about the Bible. Came back and actually began my homework, cleaned my room and just took care of business in general. I began practicing a piano piece I will be playing this semester - and I love it! it's going to be a lot of fun to play. Later, Sarah cooked us all spaghetti and cookies. Then more friends came over and we played rock band together (Rachel, I can now play the drums on medium). A good productive day with plenty of friends and fun. And, though most people would say the weather today was dreary - for it was gray and wet and rainy all day - I loved it. It was cold but not freezing and tonight it is sprinkling so lightly that it's almost mist and it is just a bit foggy accross campus. Beautiful. Just the kind of atmosphere to spur one's imagination.

(Something like this - only imagine it's dark and the lamp post is giving off a soft yellow glow)
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