Friday, December 7, 2007

Last day of Class!

Yay! but wow. It's starting to sink in that I am a senior in college. Goodness - how did that happen? Some of my friends (and one of my roommates) are graduating this semester.. and others are education majors and will be student teaching next semester... so this was their very last day of class. In celebration of that, in one of my classes (where at least two students will never take another class here at Maryville) we played a prank on our professer. Dr. O'Gorman has a very strict rule about cell phones and will take up (and answer if he can) your phone if it rings in class. So, we got friends from outside our class to call at different intervals, starting out slow and leading up to several going off at once. Much fun.

It is finally cold here in east Tennessee.. not the unbearable kind of cold but the crisp and clear kind of cold that is uninviting (and cold!) but still, walking to and from class you can't help but appreciate the weather. The point is: today would be the perfect day for a cup of hot chocolate, a good book, and a fire in the fireplace. That would be lovely. Sadly, I don't have any of that here - not even the hot chocolate! But that's okay - only one more week to go and I'm home! Granted only for two nights... but I am certainly not complaining! I will get to go see little sister (who's now more worldy than I with her office job and, you know, the little part about living half-way round the globe!). How exciting.

However, I still have a paper to write, a lab to finish, and exams to study for so I'd best get to it. But let's be serious, first things first: Nap Time!

oh, and ps: My Thesis is Finished! (unless I made some grave error that the editor cannot let slide - but hopefully that won't happen)


Rachel Wolfe said...

Yay finishing the semester! Good job with the prank.

Also, me? Worldly? are going to be disappointed with my lack of transformation...your gonna go 'eh! what did we send you to africa for then?' ok...your not african or influenced by african speech so you wont do the 'eh' a week you will find out what I mean...^_^ I cant wait...only one week

Gary said...

Got to love those naps, send Danielle out for some hot chocolate. I put the things to look out for next week on a comment on Rachel's blog. Maybe I should add a will to the documents I have for you to sign when you get home. Just kidding, except about the hot chocolate, one never kids about chocolate.

