I live with 5 girls in an appartment on campus - it is a great appartment: a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and two bedrooms downstairs and 4 bedrooms, a bathroom, and a little common room area upstairs. It's quite lovely.

Okay, from left to right: Danielle, Sarah, yours truly, Courtney, Cara, and Reba. Let's see... some history. I met Danielle, Sarah, Reba and Courtney freshman year. Danielle's room was right next to mine, and Sarah and Reba lived on the same floor. I didn't really get to know Courtney until second semester when we all went skiing together. Sophmore year, by some lucky chance, Cara was placed in our room when Reba, who was going to room with us, decided to be an RA in a different building and so we had a vacant room. We're all so glad. And so there we are. Danielle is loud and crazy and mean ;). Sarah is so sweet and involved a lot on campus. Reba is training to be a teacher (meaning she only has a few more weeks of real school 'cause next semester she'll be student teaching). Courtney rides in rodeos and is usually quite frank, but never mean. And Cara is a psycology major but will be leaving us in December because she is graduating. With 6 girls all together life is not without drama, but luckily there is never drama between us. What a good group of girls. Oh, and I should say - they ALL have a southern accent. Cara a bit less so than the others, but the others' heavy accents make up for her slight one. So funny.
Anyways, there's a tiny peek into my life. I love living with a big group of people... just like at home there's almost always someone there to talk with.
1 comment:
sister sister, how I miss her.
thats my new little rhyme that I just made up...like it?
anyways I thoroughly enjoyed that bit about your roommates I know most of them...the ones you brought down to BSJ, but there were a few friendly faces I had been wondering about...
oh guess what casey looves my car sooo much that shes going to keep it and I get a new one! (haha actually shes just 'really good at parking it' so I decided that ment she should keep it and I get a new one and by new I dont mean a 2007 model I mean a new one as in new to me...not new to the world)
mmk welll...looove you and all that sappy stuff...
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