I didn't take many pictures of Mexico myself but I have finally taken some from others who went with me... so here are some of my favorites. I'll try to give a brief description of each.
This is Sra. Estella Manchaca, the lady who hosted me in her wonderful home for the

duration of my stay, and Gina my lovely roommate who made the whole Mexico experience so much fun and completely unforgettable.
Below are pictures of the UDEM campus and some sights along the way. Notice the amazing mountains! I could not get enough of them! -of course, Gina thought
that was pretty amazing because she lives in Idaho right next to the Rockies. :).

The international program at UDEM offered a service project - so, of course I signed up! But it wasn't quite what I expected. In previous years it had been something done in the afternoons during the week. However, this year they decided to take us to a couple of villages up on the top of some mountains (5 hours away!) on the weekends. All we did was play with the children there - and beg for the ladies to cook us food when we got hungry! It was hard for us to understand how it was service, but they assured us that the villagers enjoyed it and so that's all that matters.

To the left is the small town of Zaragoza at the foot of the mountains where our villages were.
And below are pictures of El Refugio, the village where I stayed.

So much for the places I stayed in Mexico. This has taken much longer than I thought it would and it's getting late so I'll write again soon to post some pictures of more people I was with and some of our activities.